Working Papers
Plemmons, Alicia, Darwyyn Deyo, and Walker Rhine. “Unintended Consequences from Barriers to Entrepreneurship: The Effects of Licensing on Establishment Behavior and Quality,” under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn, Kofi Ampaabeng, Conor Norris, and Edward Timmons. “Public interest or policy diffusion: Analyzing the effects of massage therapist municipal licensing”, WVU Working Paper Series, under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn, Sriparna Ghosh, and Alicia Plemmons. “Access to Care and Physician-Practice Growth after the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact,” under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn. “Restorative History: Using the Nobel Lectures to Identify Hidden Women in Economic Thought,” under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn, Carlianne Patrick, and Alicia Plemmons. “Double Standards: The Extent and Effects of Occupational Regulation on Women’s Work.”
Deyo, Darwyyn, Kofi Ampaabeng, Conor Norris, and Edward Timmons. “Public interest or policy diffusion: Analyzing the effects of massage therapist municipal licensing”, WVU Working Paper Series, under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn, Sriparna Ghosh, and Alicia Plemmons. “Access to Care and Physician-Practice Growth after the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact,” under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn. “Restorative History: Using the Nobel Lectures to Identify Hidden Women in Economic Thought,” under review.
Deyo, Darwyyn, Carlianne Patrick, and Alicia Plemmons. “Double Standards: The Extent and Effects of Occupational Regulation on Women’s Work.”